FeatureMapper is a tool approach to combine Software Product Line Engineering (SPLE) and Model-Driven Software Development.
It supports mapping features from feature models to solution artefacts expressed in EMF/Ecore-based languages (such as UML2 or your home-made domain-specific language), provides various visualisations of these mappings, allows for mapping-based transformation of solution models, and provides an extensible interface to utilise different transformation techniques.
In addition to its own feature metamodel, it also supports feature models and variant models of pure::variants, an industrial-strength tool for variant management.
FeatureMapper is under development at the Software Technology Group of Technische Universität Dresden, partly in the context of the BMBF-funded feasiPLe research project.
- 2013-09-04: FeatureMapper 0.8.9 released (New and Noteworthy)
- 2012-05-22: New screencasts on Co-Evolution of Models and Feature Mapping in FeatureMapper
- 2011-06-01: FeatureMapper 0.8.8 released
- 2010-10-04: FeatureMapper 0.8.7 released
- 2010-03-05: FeatureMapper 0.8.6 released
- More...
FeatureMapper 0.8.9
- Updated to latest Eclipse SDK
FeatureMapper consists of various plug-ins for Eclipse. Its installation requires a minimum of
- Java 1.5,
- Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)
You can download it via the FeatureMapper update site
- Florian HeidenreichTowards Systematic Ensuring Well-Formedness of Software Product Lines.In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (FOSD 2009) collocated with MODELS/GPCE/SLE 2009. Denver, Colorado, USA, October 2009. ACM Press.
- Christian Wende and Florian Heidenreich.A Model-based Product-Line for Scalable Ontology Languages.In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Product-Line Engineering (MDPLE 2009) collocated with ECMDA-FA 2009. Enschede, The Netherlands, June 2009.
- Norbert Siegmund, Christian Kästner, Marko Rosenmüller, Florian Heidenreich, Sven Apel, and Gunter Saake.Bridging the Gap between Variability in Client Application and Database Schema.In Proceedings of the 13th GI-Fachtagung Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW) (Münster, Germany), Lecture Notes in Informatics. Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), March 2009.
- Florian Heidenreich, Ilie Şavga and Christian Wende.On Controlled Visualisations in Software Product Line Engineering.In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (ViSPLE 2008), collocated with the 12th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2008), Limerick, Ireland, September 2008.
- Florian Heidenreich, Jan Kopcsek, and Christian Wende.FeatureMapper: Mapping Features to Models.In Companion Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'08), Leipzig, Germany, May 2008.
We have created some screencasts which shows the FeatureMapper in action.